Keir Starmer promises pay rise to 100,000s of workers in Labour manifesto (2024)

KEIR Starmer has promised a pay rise to hundreds of thousands of workers.

The Labour Party has revealed its plans to change up the minimum wage system so that it is a "genuine living wage".


As part of today's manifesto, Labour has pledged to remove the "discriminatory" age bands affecting National Minimum Wage.

This would mean that all adults are entitled to the same pay and a pay rise for workers across the UK.

The manifesto reads: "Labour will also remove the discriminatory age bands, so all adults are entitled to the same minimum wage, delivering a pay rise to hundreds of thousands of workers across the UK."

There are two different minimum rates all workers are supposed to get across the UK - the National Minimum Wage and the National Living Wage.


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Keir Starmer promises pay rise to 100,000s of workers in Labour manifesto (3)
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The National Minimum Wage is the amount workers under 23 - but of school-leaving age - are entitled to. While everyone aged 23 and over gets the National Living Wage.

Under the current system, exactly how much you get depends on how old you are.

Labour's plans would mean that everyone gets the same, no matter their age.

If elected, thegovernmenthas also said it will adjust the powers of the Low Pay Commission (LPC) so it takes the cost of living into account.

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As it stands the minimum wage rate is set by the Government each year based on recommendations by the LPC.

Labour has said: "Labour will also make sure the minimum wage is a genuine living wage.

"We will change the remit of the independent Low Pay Commission so for the first time it accounts for the cost of living."

However, unions said more details are needed in its plans.

Paul Fleming, Equity’s general secretary, said: “Labour’s plan to make workpayis a broad-brush starting point, with welcome improvements to trade union freedom proposed.

“Equity will be looking to a new deal for working people to defend and extend royalties for our members, end upfront fees for casting directories, and use public procurement to secure union agreements in video games.”

The first National Minimum Wage was put in place in 1998 by theLabourgovernment.

At the Labour manifesto launch, Sir Keir Starmer...

  • Ruled out raisingincome tax, national insurance, or VAT
  • Committed tokeeping the pensions triple lock, which increases the state pension each year in line with the highest of inflation, earnings or 2.5%
  • Promised abenefits shake-up, working with local authorities to get more disabled and sick people back into employment.
  • Said he would cutenergy bills and introduce a "warm home grant"
  • Pledged toremove the ‘discriminatory’ age bands affectingthe National Minimum Wage
  • Vowed to ban advertising junk food to children along with the sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to under-16
  • Promised to hike defence spending to 2.5% of GDP
  • Promised to slapVAT on private schools to fund 6,500 new teachers
  • Pledged tobuild 1.5million new homes

It originally applied to workers aged 22 and over, and there was a separate rate for those aged 18-21.

A separate rate for 16-17-year-olds was introduced in 2004, and in 2010, 21-year-olds became eligible for the adult rate of the National Minimum Wage.

What are the current National Minimum Wage rates?

The National Minimum Wage is the amount workers under 21 (but of school-leaving age) are entitled to.

Rates go up every year in April, what you get depends on how old you are.

Here are the rates that came into force on April 1, 2024:

  • Those aged 21 and over - £11.44
  • For 18 to 20-year-olds - £8.60
  • 16 to 17-year-olds - £6.40
  • The apprentice wage - £6.40

When was the minimum wage introduced?

THE first National Minimum Wage was put in place in 1998 by the Labour government.

It originally applied to workers aged 22 and over, and there was a separate rate for those aged 18-21.

A separate rate for 16-17-year-olds was introduced in 2004, and in 2010, 21-year-olds became eligible for the adult rate of the National Minimum Wage.

The rate is set by the Government each year based on recommendations by the Low Pay Commission (LPC).

Who gets the National Minimum Wage and am I entitled?

To qualify for the National Minimum Wage, you have to be of school-leaving age, which is usually above 16.

You are eligible to receive the pay rate if you work full-time, part-time or as a casual labourer - for example, someone hired for one day.

You are also entitled to the National Minimum Wage if you are an agency worker or someone paid by the number of items you make.

Apprenticesalso qualify for a National Minimum Wage, as well as trainees and staff still in their probationary period.

The rates also apply to disabled workers.

Anyone who thinksthey are not getting paid fairlyshould raise the issue with their employer in the first instance.

If this is not effective, the next step is tofile a complainton the government's website.

Employers who do not pay the minimum wage can be publicly "named and shamed".

Those who blatantly fail to comply are also at risk of facing criminal prosecution.


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Which workers do not qualify for the National Minimum Wage?

Those who are self-employed, voluntary workers, company directors, and family members who live in the home of the employer and do household chores do not qualify for the minimum wage.

Au pairs, members of the armed forces, and people on a government employment programme are also not entitled to the payment.

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Keir Starmer promises pay rise to 100,000s of workers in Labour manifesto (2024)


What is the manifesto of the Labour party? ›

Labour's manifesto for change is a plan to kickstart economic growth by reforming Britain's economy and bring about a decade of renewal. This manifesto is an ambitious programme driven by belief in our country and its potential for the future. It is the change the country needs.

Is Keir Starmer a socialist? ›

Early in this election campaign, Starmer surprised some voters when he declared himself still a socialist. (As a young man, Starmer served as the editor of a Trotskyite magazine called Socialist Alternatives.) “I would describe myself as a socialist. I describe myself as a progressive.

How did Keir Starmer become leader of the Labour Party? ›

The Labour Party leadership of Keir Starmer began when Keir Starmer was elected as Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition in April 2020, following the resignation of Jeremy Corbyn after Labour's defeat at the 2019 general election.

Is Keir Starmer working class? ›

Sir Keir Starmer, the son of a self-employed toolmaker, lived in his famous “pebbledash semi”, attended grammar school and was an Oxford postgraduate. He might be more accurately described as lower middle class.

What are the main beliefs of the Labour party? ›

It proclaimed a socialist party whose principles included a guaranteed minimum standard of living for everyone, nationalisation of industry and heavy taxation of large incomes and of wealth.

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A manifesto is a publication issued by a political party before a General Election. It contains the set of policies that the party stands for and would wish to implement if elected to govern.

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The party has generally adopted liberal economic policies favouring free markets, including deregulation, privatisation, and marketisation, since the 1980s, although historically it advocated for protectionism.

Did Winston Churchill like socialism? ›

Churchill was wary of socialist tendencies toward state planning and bureaucracy, because he consistently believed in both the liberty of the individual and of free markets. Paul Addison asserts, however, that Churchill was paradoxically supportive of trade unionism, which he saw as the "antithesis of socialism".

Who supports Keir Starmer? ›

He also gained support from former Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan. During the leadership election, Starmer positioned himself in opposition to austerity, stating that Corbyn was "right" to position Labour as the "party of anti-austerity".

How did Keir Starmer make his money? ›

In 2021/2022, Sir Keir Starmer's salary for being a Labour MP was £76,961 and he received as extra £49,193 for being leader of the opposition. He was previously Director of Public Prosecutions and head of the Crown Prosecution Service from 2008 to 2013, a role which is known to command a hefty salary.

Is Keir Starmer's wife a lawyer? ›

From a career in law to the NHS

Like her husband, Lady Starmer trained as a solicitor and the couple met through work. She now works in occupational health for the NHS - a role she loves, Sir Keir said in an interview with the Sunday Mirror.

Is Keir Starmer blue Labour? ›

Labour leader Keir Starmer was also described as being influenced by Blue Labour and was praised as "a true conservative" by Glasman in an article on UnHerd. However, Glasman later became increasingly critical of Starmer's leadership, comparing Labour to the Whigs.

What team does Keir Starmer support? ›

A lifelong Arsenal fan, he has a season ticket at the Emirates, where he attends with his children.

What is the goal of the Labour party? ›

Labor's constitution has long stated: "The Australian Labor Party is a democratic socialist party and has the objective of the democratic socialisation of industry, production, distribution and exchange, to the extent necessary to eliminate exploitation and other anti-social features in these fields".

What do tories stand for? ›

Tory has become shorthand for a member of the Conservative Party or for the party in general in Canada and the UK, and can be used interchangeably with the word Conservative.

Is Keir Starmer's wife a lady? ›


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