Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (2024)

Have you ever been craving sourdough but crunched for time? Same-day sourdough is here to fill that need! It’s tender, delicious, and although mild, still tastes and feels like sourdough.

There’s a place in my heart for the long sourdough process. I truly enjoy the slow pace, repeating familiar steps, and experiencing the transformation of a simple mix of flour and water into something incredible.

But life happens and sometimes you just don’t have the time or patience to wait days for a beautiful loaf. That’s why I’m sharing this easy recipe with you. It’s a quicker version of the classic sourdough process that allows you to enjoy freshly baked bread in just a few hours.

You’re not completely off the hook though, you will need a little foreplanning when it comes to this recipe!

This same day sourdough recipe is dedicated to happenings.

Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (1)
Jump to:
  • Tips + Tricks
  • 2 Critical Components For Same-Day Sourdough Bread
  • Does One Day Sourdough Still Taste Good?
  • Key Ingredients
  • How To Make Same Day Sourdough Bread:
  • Batch + Storage
  • More Great Sourdough Recipes:
  • Baker’s Schedule
  • Recommended Equipment
  • 📖 Printable Recipe

Tips + Tricks

No. 1 –>If you’re overwhelmed with all things sourdough, I can help you! I have guides on everything from making a24 HOUR SOURDOUGH STARTER, toPICKING THE BEST STARTER JAR, toFEEDING SOURDOUGH STARTER, toSTORING SOURDOUGH STARTER, toPROOFING IN THE FRIDGE, toFREEZING SOURDOUGH BREAD, toUSING UP DISCARD, and more.

No. 2 –> Don’t have a banneton basket? I have a guide on bannetons and banneton alternatives!

No. 3 –>Using theBROD + TAYLOR PROOFING BOXhas revolutionized mySOURDOUGH BAKING. With the proofing box, not only do I get more consistent bakes, but I can easily speed up the entire sourdough baking process by creating a favorable microclimate.

No. 4 –> Don’t forget to feed your starter the night before!

No. 5 –> I’ve included times in the directions within the body of the post and a baker’s schedule to help give you an example of how I work this recipe into my day. You can shuffle the times as they work for you!

Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (2)

2 Critical Components For Same-Day Sourdough Bread

Starting and baking fresh sourdough bread within a dozen hours can seem like an impossible task but it’s totally doable with these 2 key things:

1: Active Starter

This recipe relies on a strong, mature sourdough starter. While most of my sourdough bread recipes rely on feeding your starter first thing in the morning and beginning the process a few hours later, this recipe absolutely needs you to feed your starter the night before you plan on making sourdough.

The reason for this is that you need an active sourdough starter at the time you begin the mixing process. By feeding the sourdough the night before you’re ready to bake with it, you’re allowing the yeasts to activate overnight and speed up the baking process.

If your home is particularly warm or your sourdough tends to activate quickly we can slow down the activation phase of the sourdough starter by feeding it with cold water. It’s not enough of a hindrance to stop the activation completely but only slow it down so that the starter is ready in the morning when we are!

2: Proper Environment

In order to master same-day sourdough you need to master the environment.

In my Proofing Sourdough Starter In The Fridge article, I explain that we can slow the activity of the yeast and microbes in sourdough by reducing the temperature. Inversely, we can flip this on its head and speed up the activity of our microbes by making sure they are in a warm environment when we mix, shape, and proof our sourdough.

There are a few ways to create a favorable microclimate for your dough:

  1. Use a Brod + Taylor Proofing Box.
  2. Use the proof setting on your oven or microwave.
  3. In a warm spot near the heat register.
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (3)

Does One Day Sourdough Still Taste Good?

Yes, the bread is still delicious!

Is it as sour as regular sourdough? No. But that’s because we have spent the entire day encouraging the microbes to rise first and develop flavor second. The complexity and tang won’t be there, but that’s not to say that the bread won’t be good.

This bread is an excellent, milder version of sourdough.

Key Ingredients

Sourdough Starter: For this recipe, you want to use a fed andACTIVE SOURDOUGH STARTER. Your starter should have been fed the night before, approximately 8 hours before beginning and have at least doubled in size. This recipe is based on a sourdough starter with 100% hydration (equal amounts of flour and waterby weight,not volume.)

Bread Flour: Use a high protein unbleached flour for best results. This could be all-purpose flour or bread flour.

Salt:I use hand-ground kosher salt, but any fine ground salt will do. The salt in this sourdough recipe is responsible for adding taste and enhancing the aromas and flavor present in the dough itself. Salt also helps to tighten the gluten structure and strengthen the dough – making it easier to create and hold air bubbles.

Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (4)

How To Make Same Day Sourdough Bread:

Make the dough (8 am):

  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine 330g warm water with 150g of active sourdough starter until mostly combined. I like to use a Danish dough whisk, but anything will work.
  2. Add 500g bread flour and 10g salt to the bowl and mix until a shaggy dough forms. Knead the dough with your hands until all the shaggy bits are incorporated.
  3. Cover the bowl and set aside for 45 – 60 minutes.
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (5)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (6)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (7)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (8)

Stretch and fold (9-11 am):

  1. Uncover the bowl and using damp hands, grab the dough and gently pull it until the flap is long enough to fold over itself, then fold the flap, rotate the bowl 90 degrees, and repeat 4 times.
  2. Recover the bowl, and set it aside for 30 minutes, then repeat the stretch and fold process at least 3 more times over the next 2 hours. The intervals can be as short as 15 minutes, or as long as 60 minutes, but it should be completed at least 4 times. You’ll notice after the second stretch and fold how much the dough has softened and begun to look like actual bread dough!
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (9)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (10)

Bulk ferment (11 am-1 pm):

  1. Complete one final stretch and fold, then cover the bowl and set aside for 2 hours to bulk ferment. I like to use a reusable shower cap for covering my bowls, the patterns are fun, funky, and bright, but they also work amazingly well, are lined with plastic to help keep the moisture in the dough, and are reusable for ages. It is important to keep the dough bowl somewhere warm to encourage the microbes to work quickly!
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (11)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (12)

Shape (1 – 1:15 pm):

  1. Observe your dough, at this point, the dough should have risen in the bowl, and have a smooth surface with visible bubbles. If the dough is domed in the bowl it is ready to work with, if the dough is flat it may need more time in the bulk ferment.
  2. Lightly flour the work surface and use a bowl scraper to turn the dough out onto the floured surface. Try to get the smooth top part face down so that the sticky underside is on top facing you, this will make shaping the dough easier.
  3. Fold the edges into the middle, alternating sides as though lacing the dough together. Then starting from the top, fold the dough into thirds as you would a letter, but pull the bottom all the way around to flip the dough so the seam is facing downward. Stop there if making a batard, or tuck the long ends underneath to create a boule.
  4. Dust the top of your boule or batard with rice flour, then use a bench scraper to pick up the dough, flip the dough, and place it upside down, or seam side up, into a banneton to prove. Don’t have a banneton? Check out these banneton alternatives.
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (13)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (14)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (15)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (16)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (17)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (18)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (19)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (20)

Prove (1:15 – 3 pm):

  1. Cover the banneton either using a damp kitchen towel or a shower cap. During the proving period, the dough will rise and become puffy in the banneton, but it should be watched – as over-proofing can cause the dough to bake up flat. This process will take a different amount of time based on the ambient temperature.
  2. To test the dough, gently poke it and observe how the dough reacts. If the dough feels tight and dense and looks like it hasn’t relaxed in the basket, it is likely under proofed. Underproofed dough will resist your poking and spring back almost immediately. If the dough feels airy but still elastic and looks relaxed in the basket, it is properly proofed. Properly proofed dough will be easily poked, and the indent will slowly fill back in but may not even totally recover. Overproofed dough feels sticky and lacks elasticity, it will likely look slack in the basket and your indentation won’t rebound.

Pre-heat oven (3 pm):

  1. Place your dutch oven, cloche, or desired baking dish in the oven and preheat to 450f. If you don’t have a dutch oven, I do have a recommendation on how to bake sourdough bread without a dutch oven.
  2. Meanwhile, place the banneton in the freezer. Although this seems counterintuitive, the 30 minutes in the freezer won’t adversely affect your dough, it will just make it easier to remove from the banneton, score, and transfer to the dutch oven.

Bake (3:45 pm):

  1. Once the oven is preheated, remove the dough from the freezer and invert the banneton onto a sheet of parchment paper.
  2. Use a lame, sharp knife, or clean razor blade to score the dough, I usually like to make one deep curved slash, but you can get as fancy as you like!
  3. Carefully remove the dutch oven from the oven, and using the parchment paper as a sling, transfer the sourdough loaf from the counter into the dutch oven.
  4. Bake the dough at 450f covered for 20 minutes and uncovered at 450f for 25-30 minutes, or until the loaf is cooked through. You can test the doneness of the loaf with an instant-read thermometer. Bread is cooked once it reaches 205 – 210 degrees Fahrenheit internal temperature.
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (21)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (22)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (23)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (24)


  1. Remove baked bread from the dutch oven and transfer it to a wire mesh cooling rack to cool completely before slicing. I like to leave it for at least 2 hours before slicing, as slicing too soon can affect the crumb and texture of your loaf.
  2. Check out my guide on storing sourdough bread to ensure it stays fresh for days, or learn how to freeze sourdough bread for a rainy day.

Batch + Storage


This recipe bakes a nice-sized loaf of sourdough bread. This is the perfect amount for our family of 4 to serve with at least 2 meals.


If you’ve got leftover sourdough, you’ve got serious willpower! There are a couple of ways toSTORE SOURDOUGH BREADto help prolong its quality after cutting.

Your boule can be kept cut side down on a cutting board for up to 12 hours before the crust becomes too crisp. This is our go-to. I recommend transferring it to a bread bag after 16-18 hours though.

Your sourdough loaf can also be frozen. ToFREEZE SOURDOUGH, cool the loaf to room temperature, then tightly wrap it in plastic wrap, slide it into a bread bag, seal it up, and stick it in the freezer for 1-2 months. To use after freezing, remove the loaf from the freezer, unwrap, and allow it to come to room temperature (1 -2 hours) before slicing and enjoying.

More Great Sourdough Recipes:

  • Cinnamon Raisin Sourdough
  • Jalapeño Cheddar Sourdough
  • Pumpkin Sourdough Bread
  • Chocolate Sourdough

Baker’s Schedule

8 am: Mix dough

9 am: Stretch and fold every 30 minutes

11 am: Set aside to bulk ferment

1 pm: Shape the loaf

3 pm: Preheat oven

3:30 pm: Bake loaf

Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (29)

Recommended Equipment

Brod + Taylor folding proofing box:As mentioned above, this proofing box has revolutionized my sourdough baking, and really reinvigorated my love of the dough. As an added bonus, it folds up in a nice compact little package when it’s not in use.

Cast iron dutch oven: Much of the success of this bread depends on having a heavy-ass cast iron dutch oven, as it traps in steam and boosts the oven spring of your sourdough.

The blue one in these photos is a 6-quart oval dutch oven that I find perfect for baking batards. As an added bonus, due to the shape, I can fit this dutch oven and a round one in the oven to bake double the volume! If you don’t have a dutch oven, I have a guide on how to cook sourdough without a dutch oven.

Scale:It’s really hard to make sourdough without a scale. Sorry, but them’s the facts! bread baking and bread dough are a bit of a science. AGOOD KITCHEN SCALEwill treat you well over a huge range of recipes, not just sourdough. Think ofHOMEMADE BACON!

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📖 Printable Recipe

Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (30)

Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe

Allyson Letal

Enjoy the taste of freshly baked sourdough bread at home with this easy-to-follow same-day sourdough recipe! All you need is sourdough starter, flour, water, and salt to get your perfect loaf. No kneading required.

4.76 from 37 votes

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Prep Time 7 hours hrs 30 minutes mins

Cook Time 45 minutes mins

Total Time 8 hours hrs 15 minutes mins

Course Sourdough

Cuisine American

Servings 10 slices

Calories 194 kcal


  • 330 g water warm
  • 150 g sourdough starter active
  • 500 g bread flour
  • 10 g sea salt fine


Make the dough:

  • In a large bowl, combine 330g warm water with 150g of active sourdough starter until mostly combined.

  • Add 500g bread flour and 10g salt to the bowl and mix until a shaggy dough forms. Knead the dough with your hands until all the shaggy bits are incorporated.

  • Cover the bowl and set aside for 45 – 60 minutes.

Stretch and fold:

  • Uncover the bowl and using damp hands, grab the dough and gently pull it until the flap is long enough to fold over itself, then fold the flap, rotate the bowl 90 degrees, and repeat 4 times.

  • Recover the bowl, and set it aside for 30 minutes, then repeat the stretch and fold process at least 3 more times over the next 2 hours.

Bulk ferment:

  • Complete one final stretch and fold, then cover the bowl and set aside for 2 hours to bulk ferment. It is important to keep the dough bowl somewhere warm to encourage the microbes to work quickly!


  • Observe your dough, at this point, the dough should have risen in the bowl, and have a smooth surface with visible bubbles. If the dough is domed in the bowl it is ready to work with, if the dough is flat it may need more time in the bulk ferment.

  • Lightly flour the work surface and use a bowl scraper to turn the dough out onto the floured surface. Try to get the smooth top face down so that the sticky underside is on top facing you, this will make shaping the dough easier.

  • Fold the edges into the middle, alternating sides as though lacing the dough together. Then starting from the top, fold the dough into thirds as you would a letter, but pull the bottom all the way around to flip the dough so the seam is facing downward. Stop there if making a batard, or tuck the long ends underneath to create a boule.

  • Dust the top of your boule or batard with rice flour, then use a bench scraper to pick up the dough, flip the dough, and place it upside down, or seam side up, into a banneton to prove.


  • Cover the banneton either using a damp kitchen towel or a shower cap. During the proving period, the dough will rise and become puffy in the banneton, but it should be watched – as over-proofing can cause the dough to bake up flat. This process will take a different amount of time based on the ambient temperature.

  • To test the dough, gently poke it and observe how the dough reacts. If the dough feels tight and dense and looks like it hasn't relaxed in the basket, it is likely under proofed. Underproofed dough will resist your poking and spring back almost immediately. If the dough feels airy but still elastic and looks relaxed in the basket, it is properly proofed. Properly proofed dough will be easily poked, and the indent will slowly fill back in but may not even totally recover. Overproofed dough feels sticky and lacks elasticity, it will likely look slack in the basket and your indentation won't rebound.

Pre-heat oven:

  • Place your dutch oven, cloche, or desired baking dish in the oven and preheat to 450f.

  • Meanwhile, place the banneton in the freezer.


  • Once the oven is preheated, remove the dough from the freezer and invert the banneton onto a sheet of parchment paper.

  • Use a lame, sharp knife, or clean razor blade to score the dough.

  • Carefully remove the dutch oven from the oven, and using the parchment paper as a sling, transfer the sourdough loaf from the counter into the dutch oven.

  • Bake the dough at 450f covered for 20 minutes and uncovered at 450f for 25-30 minutes, or until the loaf is cooked through. You can test the doneness of the loaf with an instant-read thermometer. Bread is cooked once it reaches 205 – 210 degrees Fahrenheit internal temperature.


  • Remove baked bread from the dutch oven and transfer it to a wire mesh cooling rack to cool completely before slicing. I like to leave it for at least 2 hours before slicing, as slicing too soon can affect the crumb and texture of your loaf.


Active Sourdough Starter

This recipe relies on an active sourdough starter, so it's important to feed your starter the night before you intend on baking this bread.

baker's schedule

8 am:Make the dough

9 am:Stretch and fold

11 am:Bulk ferment

1 pm:Shape and prove

3 pm:Preheat oven

3:30 pm:Bake loaf


This recipe bakes a nice-sized loaf of sourdough bread. This is the perfect amount for our family of 4 to serve with at least 2 meals.


If you've got leftover sourdough, you've got serious willpower! There are a couple of ways toSTORE SOURDOUGH BREADto help prolong its quality after cutting.

Your boule can be kept cut side down on a cutting board for up to 12 hours before the crust becomes too crisp. This is our go-to. I recommend transferring it to a bread bag after 16-18 hours though.

Your sourdough loaf can also be frozen. ToFREEZE SOURDOUGH, cool the loaf to room temperature, then tightly wrap it in plastic wrap, slide it into a bread bag, seal it up, and stick it in the freezer for 1-2 months. To use after freezing, remove the loaf from the freezer, unwrap, and allow it to come to room temperature (1 -2 hours) before slicing and enjoying.


Serving: 1sliceCalories: 194kcalCarbohydrates: 39gProtein: 6gFat: 1gSaturated Fat: 0.1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.4gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.1gSodium: 390mgPotassium: 50mgFiber: 1gSugar: 0.2gVitamin A: 1IUCalcium: 9mgIron: 0.5mg

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (37)
Easy Same Day Sourdough Bread Recipe - Crave The Good (2024)


What is the secret to sourdough bread? ›

The secret to sourdough is simple: water. The more water you add to your dough will affect how open the crumb (bigger holes and softer texture) will be once it's baked.

Why do you have to eat sourdough twice a day? ›

Discard a portion of the starter and feed it with fresh flour and water every 24 hours. Twice-Daily Feeding: In warmer environments or if you prefer a faster fermentation process, you can feed your starter twice a day, approximately every 12 hours. This helps maintain a more active and vigorous starter.

What is the best flour for sourdough bread? ›

Whole wheat flour is an excellent choice for creating a sourdough starter due to its nutrient-rich composition and potential for fostering a robust microbial community.

What is the healthiest sourdough bread? ›

When choosing a sourdough loaf, look for ones that have whole wheat, spelt or rye, Rizzo adds. Some studies suggest that Einkhorn wheat, a type of "ancient grain," may offer more nutritional benefits. When comparing nutrition labels, try to opt for the one with fewer ingredients and less sodium and sugar.

Why do you put vinegar in sourdough bread? ›

In fact the acidity is a dough conditioner that softens the texture of whole grains and makes the bread more pliable. Hack: apple cider vinegar. I often add about a tablespoon of ACV to bread as a dough conditioner.

Do you have to discard every time you feed sourdough? ›

With each sourdough starter feeding, you'll be discarding some to avoid it from becoming overly acidic. Most will compost or trash this discard, but you can save it and use it in other recipes!

Should I stir my sourdough starter between feedings? ›

stir your starter in between feedings - try stirring it twice in between feedings and really give it a chance to get oxygen into the mix. This will help to activate your starter without too much effort.

Is sourdough good or bad for the gut? ›

Improved Digestive Health

Sourdough bread may be easier to digest than white bread for some people. According to some studies, sourdough bread acts as a prebiotic, which means that the fiber in the bread helps feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines.

What flour do Italians use for sourdough? ›

Flours milled from grano duro are recommended for making pasta and some breads, especially those associated with the southern regions of Italy. Grano tenero flours are generally used in Italy to make both bread and pastries. Typo 2 (type 2) flour is high in bran, and still slightly coarse.

What happens if I use all-purpose flour instead of bread flour in sourdough? ›

Substituting all purpose flour in a sourdough recipe that specifically calls for bread flour is not always an even swap. You'll need to REDUCE the total amount of water first. All purpose flour absorbs less water than bread flour, which can make the dough too sticky to work with otherwise.

What is the best ratio of flour to water for sourdough bread? ›

Typical feeding ratios are 1:2:2 or 1:3:3 (old sourdough: fresh flour: water). However, even extreme ratios like 1:50:50 would still work.

Is Panera sourdough real sourdough? ›

Panera's sourdough loaf is a far cry from classic

The Panera website lists the full ingredients of its "Classic Sourdough Loaf," and they're a far cry from true sourdough's minimal lineup of flour, water, salt, and live culture. In addition to wheat and malted barley flour, the sourdough starter contains folic acid.

Is Aldi sourdough real sourdough? ›

For consumers concerned about artificial ingredients in food, Aldi's sourdough is a solid choice. Per the label, this bread consists of just three main ingredients, which are salt, water, and flour. It's also free of artificial flavoring, preservatives, and colors.

Is supermarket sourdough real sourdough? ›

It may have been fermented for longer than standard bread but that does not make it a sourdough. A sourdough is a bread leavened with a sourdough culture, which comprises wild yeasts and lactobacilli bacteria.

What is the secret behind the sour of sourdough bread? ›

A sourdough starter is made up of wild yeast and bacteria working together. The bacteria is where the sour flavor is coming from! Lactic Acid Bacteria are most active in the mid 80-90 degrees F, but that speeds up the wild yeast which prefer a more mild temperature of mid 70s F.

What makes sourdough bread better? ›

Because of the organic acids produced by the Lactobacillus bacteria, sourdough has a lower pH than standard bread. This not only gives it a desirable “sour” flavor and longer shelf-life, but also makes the bread kinder to your gut (Marti, et al., 2015; Siepmann, et al., 2018).

What makes sourdough bread more flavorful? ›

Generally a more mature and well established starter will produce a more flavorful, sour loaf. Hydration of the Dough - this affects how long your dough will take to ferment. A slightly lower hydration will take longer to ferment than a higher hydration loaf, leading to a bigger depth of flavor and sourness.

Why do you put honey in sourdough bread? ›

Honey: Honey adds a sweetness to this dough and helps balance any sour flavor that comes through from the fermentation process. If you are looking for whole wheat bread without the honey, try this recipe. Salt: Salt enhances the flavor and helps tempers the fermentation.


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